Bali: 200 hour yoga teacher training

Wow! Is all I need to say about this really! The feelings and emotions that have opened inside of me during this course have been immense. There are 20 women and 1 man on the course each on their own journey to happiness/new beginnings/new learnings/more challenge in their lives. Every one of them is unique and beautiful in their own special way and I have so much respect for them all. It has made me reaffirm that happiness needs to come from within; not from others or stuff.

The schedule has been full on:

7am meditation

730 yoga class

9am silent breakfast

10am asana practice

1230 lunch and sunshine

1415 teaching practice

1630 sharing circle / Bhakti

1800 dinner and rest

730 restorative yoga

6 days per week….. Pretty intense. The first few days were extremely tiring paired with jet lag, but I think that we’re all used to it now.

It’s funny that before I came here everyone was saying “you’ll be so flexible when you come back” or “you’ll be able to do the splits”. I can’t do the splits and I may never be able to do the splits as everybody’s bone structure is different, no human being skeleton looks like a plastic skeleton from biology class. Some people may find hip openers easy, but the same people may not be able to do a forward fold for example. It all depends on the bones and compression of the bones. There’s also previous injuries to consider . There’s ones female in the training who broke her back in a car accident a few years ago; her asanas are amazing but she struggles with a seated forward fold. We’re all different and it doesn’t matter – it’s not about touching your toes in a fold, it’s about what you learn on the way there. Compassion, kindness, hope, love and respect for your self.

Its unbelievable to think that this time a month ago I was sat at my desk in the office working 830-5, and now I’m in Bali where my dreams are coming true!

Thoughts for today – always chase your dreams ?

Lots of love



Bali: 200 hour yoga teacher training